Simultaneous interpretation systems & microphones

We rent out BOSCH simultaneous interpretation systems and interpreter booths for larger meetings and conferences, Sennheiser tourguide systems (whisper interpretation systems) for smaller groups, as well as systems for remote interpretation (RSI) for physical meetings or online – or a combination.

Hire professional BOSCH receivers for interpretation systems.

We rent out three types of interpretation systems

Interpretation systems

Remote interpretation

Whisper Interpreter

simultaneous interpretation system

We rent and sell BOSCH interpretation systems worldwide, and have the largest warehouse in the Nordics.

The equipment is ISO certified and recognized by parliaments, organizations and companies. We supply interpretation systems with up to 31 languages ​​+ sound from speakers (floor). Simultaneous interpretation is the most used form of interpretation at meetings and conferences. The meeting participants use wireless receivers and headphones to listen to the interpretation.

The interpreter booths are most often placed at the back of the room (in the case of lack of space in adjacent rooms equipped with video feed).

The best system with BOSCH interpretation system
AV project management icon Teletech

Need a quote for AV Equipment?

We will usually have an offer ready for you in less than 24 hours.

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Good design & fantastic functionality

Rent interpreter booths in
different sizes

Teletech has a large number of high-quality interpreter booths. The boxes are comfortable to work in and can be expanded.

Teletech rents out and installs professional ISO 4043/2016 certified interpreter boothes. The interpreter booths are usually set up at the back of, or along one side of, the room they are used in. In a standard setup, two interpreters work in an interpretation box, but they can also be expanded to three- or four-person boxes.

Delegate microphones for your meeting

With us, you can of course also rent a wide selection of microphones for your meeting, conference or event.

At meetings and conferences that require interpretation, microphones are usually also used for the meeting participants. At Teletech you can rent high-quality delegate microphones from BOSCH. In addition, we also rent out wireless lapel and handheld microphones.

Rent Interpretation equipment at Teletech
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Congress Rental Network logo

We are a member of the Congress Rental Network (CRN)

CRN consists of professional suppliers of BOSCH meeting equipment, AV equipment and certified BOSCH technicians worldwide.

See pictures from our assignments
Full AV production for AAU Study Start 2024.jpg
Full AV production for AAU Study Start 2024
AV production for Talk Venue - Chart 2024.jpg
AV production for Talk Venue - Chart 2024
Danish Shipping Company's Anniversary 2024.png
Danish Shipping Company's Anniversary 2024
Interpretation facility - Nordic House - Faroe Islands.jpg
Interpretation facility - Nordic House - Faroe Islands
Live streaming for the Dental Association.jpg
Live streaming for the Dental Association
ACDM24 conference - AV total solution.jpg
ACDM24 conference - AV total solution
ACDM24 conference - Picture, sound & light.jpg
ACDM24 conference - Image, sound & light
ACDM24 conference - Led-väggen.jpg
ACDM24 conference - Led walls
AV Production at the Disc Conference.jpg
AV Production at the Disc Conference
AV production & interpretation system - Skivekonferencen.jpg
AV production & interpretation system - Skivekonferenken
AV production at conference.jpg
AV production at conference
AV production - Conference - Malmö.jpg
AV production - Conference - Malmö
Total production for Solarplaza Summit Nordics - Kbh..jpg
Total production for Solarplaza Summit Nordics - Kbh.
Interpreter & AV equipment - INUIT Delegates Meeting - Greenland.jpg
Interpreter & AV equipment - INUIT Delegates Meeting - Greenland
AV operation at CHART Art Fair 2023.jpg
AV operation at CHART Art Fair 2023
Interpretation facility - Swedish EU Presidency 2023.jpg
Interpretation facility - Swedish EU Presidency 2023
Interpretation system and microphones - EU Presidency 2023 - Sweden.jpg
Interpretation systems and microphones - EU Presidency 2023 - Sweden
Interpretation system and microphones - Swedish EU Presidency 2023.jpg
Interpretation system and microphones - Swedish EU Presidency 2023
Interpreter Booths - EU Presidency 2023 - Sweden.jpg
Interpreter Boothes - EU Presidency 2023 - Sweden
Annual meeting - Enhedslisten 2023 - Hafnia Hallen.jpg
Annual meeting - Enhedslisten 2023 - Hafnia Hallen
LED wall - Mogens Dahl Koncertsal.jpg
LED wall - Mogens Dahl Concert Hall
LED wall for meetings - Mogens Dahl Koncertsal.jpg
LED wall for meetings - Mogens Dahl Concert Hall
LED wall - Hotel Radisson Blu Scandinavia.jpg
LED wall - Hotel Radisson Blu Scandinavia
Annual meeting - Unity list 2022 - Hafnia Hallen.jpg
Annual meeting - Enhedslisten 2022 - Hafnia Hallen
PowerToX conference - Vilhelm Lauritzen Terminalen.jpg
PowerToX conference - Vilhelm Lauritzen Terminalen
Press meetings at Eigtveds Pakhus.jpg
Press conferences at Eigtveds Pakhus
Professional setup & operation.JPG
Professional setup & operation
Professional streaming solutions.jpg
Professional streaming solutions
Remember React conference in Malmö .jpg
Remember React conference in Malmö
Streaming - Eigtveds Pakhus.jpg
Streaming - Eigtveds Pakhus
Streaming production for professional webinars.jpg
Streaming production for professional webinars
Interpretation system & microphones for OSCE conference in Arlanda.jpg
Interpretation system & microphones for the OSCE conference in Arlanda
WHO conference - UN City Copenhagen.jpg
WHO conference - United Nations City of Copenhagen
AV solution - Unicef.jpg
AV solution - Unicef
Event in Palmehaven - Hotel d'Angleterre.jpg
Event in Palmehaven - Hotel d'Angleterre
Sound & light for dinner - Hotel D'Angleterre.jpg
Sound & light for dinner - Hotel D'Angleterre
Sound for ministerrokade.jpg
Sound of ministerial reshuffle
MPI conference - Hotel Scandinavia.jpg
MPI conference - Hotel Scandinavia
Helipad lighting - Fotograf- Rigshospitalet.jpg
Lighting of helipad - Photographer - Rigshospitalet
Interpretation facility in Globen - Sweden.jpg
Interpretation facility in Globen - Sweden
previous arrowprevious arrow
next arrownext arrow
Full AV production for AAU Study Start 2024.jpg
AV production for Talk Venue - Chart 2024.jpg
Danish Shipping Company's Anniversary 2024.png
Interpretation facility - Nordic House - Faroe Islands.jpg
Live streaming for the Dental Association.jpg
ACDM24 conference - AV total solution.jpg
ACDM24 conference - Picture, sound & light.jpg
ACDM24 conference - Led-väggen.jpg
AV Production at the Disc Conference.jpg
AV production & interpretation system - Skivekonferencen.jpg
AV production at conference.jpg
AV production - Conference - Malmö.jpg
Total production for Solarplaza Summit Nordics - Kbh..jpg
Interpreter & AV equipment - INUIT Delegates Meeting - Greenland.jpg
AV operation at CHART Art Fair 2023.jpg
Interpretation facility - Swedish EU Presidency 2023.jpg
Interpretation system and microphones - EU Presidency 2023 - Sweden.jpg
Interpretation system and microphones - Swedish EU Presidency 2023.jpg
Interpreter Booths - EU Presidency 2023 - Sweden.jpg
Annual meeting - Enhedslisten 2023 - Hafnia Hallen.jpg
LED wall - Mogens Dahl Koncertsal.jpg
LED wall for meetings - Mogens Dahl Koncertsal.jpg
LED wall - Hotel Radisson Blu Scandinavia.jpg
Annual meeting - Unity list 2022 - Hafnia Hallen.jpg
PowerToX conference - Vilhelm Lauritzen Terminalen.jpg
Press meetings at Eigtveds Pakhus.jpg
Professional setup & operation.JPG
Professional streaming solutions.jpg
Remember React conference in Malmö .jpg
Streaming - Eigtveds Pakhus.jpg
Streaming production for professional webinars.jpg
Interpretation system & microphones for OSCE conference in Arlanda.jpg
WHO conference - UN City Copenhagen.jpg
AV solution - Unicef.jpg
Event in Palmehaven - Hotel d'Angleterre.jpg
Sound & light for dinner - Hotel D'Angleterre.jpg
Sound for ministerrokade.jpg
MPI conference - Hotel Scandinavia.jpg
Helipad lighting - Fotograf- Rigshospitalet.jpg
Interpretation facility in Globen - Sweden.jpg

Teletech is an official BOSCH Security Systems Dealer.

This ensures you professional advice regarding the rental or purchase of BOSCH meeting equipment.

When you need to hire interpretation equipment for a conference or meeting, there are several details that are worth taking into account. Below you will find a checklist that helps you get an overview of considerations and preparations in connection with the use of interpretation systems and AV equipment. Note: The list is only indicative, so please contact us for more detailed information or questions in connection with your upcoming event.

Checklist for renting interpretation equipment

  • What is the time and place of the conference or meeting?
  • Which languages ​​must be interpreted between?
  • How many conference/meeting participants must be interpreted for and how many participants are there in total?
  • Are there sound systems and microphones in the room?
  • Should speakers use a wireless headset microphone or e.g. speaking from a lectern?
  • Should a wireless handheld microphone be used for questions from the audience?
  • Should participants be able to speak into dedicated microphones from their seats?
  • Should a panel table be used on stage with panel microphones? How many?
  • Do you want sound from the floor or the interpreted channels to be recorded?
  • Are the premises suitable for the use of interpretation systems and is there space for interpreter booths? (We can advise).
  • If possible: What is the size of the room and the height of the ceiling?
  • Should podiums be used under the interpreter boothes so that the interpreters have a better view of the room?
  • Are interpreters booked?

We can supply the following AV equipment for your event:

At Teletech you can rent complete interpretation and AV solutions. We listen to your needs and then create a tailor-made solution for you. Unfold the individual services below and read more.

Interpretation systems

We supply professional interpreting systems with up to 31 languages ​​+ sound from speakers (floor). Simultaneous interpretation is the most used form of interpretation at meetings and conferences. Meeting participants use wireless receivers and headphones to follow the speaker's speech. The interpretation boxes are most often placed at the back of the room (in case of lack of space in adjacent rooms equipped with video feed).

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Remote interpretation system
Please note that we can also provide a solution for remote interpretation. Remote interpreting means that the interpreters do not need to be physically present at your conference, but can interpret for it via the Internet. This also means that there is no need for interpreter boxes at the venue itself. The system also includes options for remote participants and presenters, as well as various digital meeting tools.

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AI interpretation
Vha. remote interpretation system, we also offer interpretation using AI in the form of text-to-speech in many languages.

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Tour guide system
A tour guide system (also called a whisper interpreting system) is ideal to hire if a small group needs interpretation. The equipment is used e.g. on tours or at smaller meetings where interpreter boxes are not necessary. The interpreter interprets via a wireless microphone and the participants each have a headphone (stethoset) with a built-in channel selector. We rent Sennheiser systems in high quality.

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Remote interpretation

Remote interpretation (RSI) means that the interpreters who would otherwise traditionally be present at the venue can now instead interpret for the meeting participants over the Internet via our special software. The interpreters can therefore be located all over the world. This means less travel time for the interpreters and that there is no need for interpreter boothes at the venue.

AI interpretation
Vha. remote interpretation system, we also offer interpretation using AI in the form of text-to-speech in many languages.

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In interaction with traditional interpretation system, via app and PC
The system can work in interaction with our professional BOSCH interpretation system, so meeting participants use the traditional receivers and headphones. However, mobile phones and the participants' own headphones can also be used as receivers via a dedicated app that must be downloaded.

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Tourguide system

With us, you can rent a Sennheiser whisper interpretation system (tourguide system), which is a mobile system that is used when a small group needs interpretation.

The equipment is used e.g. for guided tours or for interpretation, where interpreter booths are not necessary. Here the interpreter has a microphone and the participants each a headphone (stethoset) with a built-in channel selector.

No interpreter booth is used for whispered interpretation. A tourguide system can therefore be a good alternative to simultaneous interpretation for smaller meetings. We rent Sennheiser tourguide systems in high quality.

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Hybrid & Streaming

Live streaming
We offer professional streaming solutions between one or more venues, as well as streaming for online participants and online presenters. Our solution includes one or more cameras (both manual and remote controlled). It is also possible to create title signs, smooth transitions between images, logo placement, etc., depending on how advanced an image production you want. We also offer a split screen effect, where the presenter and e.g. PowerPoint presentation is displayed side by side.

Hybrid meetings
In hybrid meetings, some participate physically while others participate online. We offer both streaming and installation and operation of AV equipment at the physical venue. Our solutions for hybrid meetings can be tailored to suit your exact needs. Typically, we create an AV solution that includes both a streaming production, as well as AV setup and operation of AV equipment (and interpreting equipment if necessary) at the physical venue.

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Screens & LED walls

We rent out flat screens , projectors and LED walls and can help you get your content presented in the right way. We supply everything from the small solution with rental of a single flat screen (on a stand or wall mounted) or projector, to larger solutions for live presentations with e.g. multiple cameras and powerful AV projectors and LED walls.

Read more about flat screens
Read more about projectors
Read more about LED walls

Streaming with vMix
For several years we have delivered live streaming solutions where the live streaming software vMix is ​​a fixed component. With vMix, our AV technicians can create the perfect image production for your event. Call us and hear more about the options for your streaming task.

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Light creates atmosphere and is therefore a must at most events, whether it is effect spots along the walls or stage lighting.

We rent out everything from wireless led spots with lights in all colors to accompanying spots for presentations and spots / lamps that are mounted on stands or trusses in the ceiling. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need ideas for the use of light at your event.

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Sound equipment

Teletech supplies sound equipment in several different sizes adapted to the room and the size of the audience. A typical sound system includes loudspeakers, mixer and/or amplifier.

We offer speaker systems for everything from sound for large conference halls to PA systems for smaller bands or performers. You can also rent speakers for receptions, parties and similar events.

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With us you can rent two types of telesling systems for e.g. meeting participants with impaired hearing. We offer traditional systems as well as neck telescoping slings from BOSCH.

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If you need a stage for your meeting, conference or event, we are capable of delivering stage podiums from the Bütec brand. The stage modules can be put together in many ways and covered with carpet and skirting.

We have experience with many types of setups, e.g. catwalks and band stages etc. You can also have customized backdrops made consisting of large prints mounted on a wooden frame or use an LED wall as a digital backdrop and live presentation surface.

Contact us today and we will tailor a stage solution for your meeting or conference.

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Conference Microphones
For meetings and conferences, Teletech rents out and sells delegate microphones and interpreter desks from the BOSCH. The microphones are known worldwide and comply with the current ISO certification.
Furthermore, the design is suitable for any meeting situation. We rent out both wired and wireless devices.
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Other types of microphones
In addition, you can also rent several other types of microphones, such as lectern microphones, wireless hand-held microphones (for e.g. questions from the audience) and lapel clips microphones and headset microphones for speakers etc.
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Several ways to vote
Teletech rents out the keypad based system IVS Lite as well as systems for SMS voting and interaction. In addition, several of our microphone systems also offer parliamentary voting .  Use voting as a useful tool at conferences, general assemblies, meetings etc.

IVS - Interactive voting system
The IVS system consists of lightweight voting units that are distributed to the participants. The results can be integrated into presenters' presentations and offer several forms of visualization. The system is easy to use and we make sure to set it up according to your wishes before your event.

SMS or Browser-based voting
We also offer polling via SMS, which can be shown live on e.g. big screen. If you need browser-based voting for participants who are not physically present, we also offer a system for this.

Voting via BOSCH conference microphones
Several of our microphones from BOSH also offer parliamentary voting via the microphone unit itself.

Voting in connection with the use of remote interpretation
If remote interpretation is used at your event, the system also includes the possibility of online voting.

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AV accessories

In addition to the right AV equipment, a good presentation also includes the necessary AV accessories for presenters. This will typically be the well-known remote controls / laser pointers for presentations, lecterns (with or without screen), speaking time management and comfort monitors. In addition, we rent out e.g. also stage podiums, stage furniture, poster boards, flipcharts with markers, etc.

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AV technicians

Our skilled AV technicians & project managers make your event a success. Before your event, we listen to your visions and can quickly make an analysis of your needs.

We can be part of the planning phase, just as we are available during the conference itself. For larger events, a project manager can be appointed who is involved from start to finish. Initially, and if needed, planning meetings and site inspections can be held, in order to provide the best technical advice to you.

Guide: AV project management

Let us take care of your conference

  • BOSCH interpretation system
  • Advanced meeting features
  • AV solutions
  • Skilled AV technicians
BOSCH Dicentis interpretation unit - Rent an interpretation system at Teletech today.
rent a projector and screen, and get help from an AV technician

Our skilled AV technicians & project managers make your event a success.

Before your event, we listen to your vision for it and then create a customised solution for you.

We can be part of the planning phase, just as we are available during the conference itself. For larger events, a project manager can be appointed who is involved from start to finish. Initially, and if needed, planning meetings and site inspections can be held, in order to provide the best technical advice to you.

Professional AV and interpretation solutions for more than 35 years

Teletech's references

UN COP 28 , Dubai - EU Presidency 2023 , Stockholm, Sweden - UN COP 18 , Doha, Qatar - NATO PA , Prague, Czech Republic - UN COP 11 , Convention in Biological Diversity, Hyderabad, India - FSB , Denmark - UN Food and Agriculture Organization , Svalbard, Norway - Nato Summit , Bucharest, Romania - Cosac Meeting 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark - European Summit of Regions & Cities , Denmark - EU Presidency 2012 , Denmark - UN COP17 , South Africa - UN Global Partnership for Education , Copenhagen , Denmark - G20 Cannes Summit , France - G8 Summit , Deauville, France - Nato Summit , Sofia, Denmark - Conference in Bella Center , Denmark - ICC, Greenland - Swedish Tax Department , Sweden - European Conference , Denmark - NATO PA , Riga, Latvia - NATO , Tallinn, Estonia - UN COP15 - UN Climate - Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark - UN Road to Copenhagen , Barcelona, ​​Spain - Nato PA, Edinburgh, Scotland - IOC , Bella Center, Denmark - Asian Forum , Thailand - Smart Green Growth , Denmark - Dalai Lhama , Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Dalai Lhama , Bella Center, Denmark - European Development Days , Sweden - Climate & Energy Ministry , Denmark - Forest & Nature Agency , Denmark - OSCE Head of State , Helsinki, Finland - Autism Conference , Krabbehus, Denmark - CCIB Conference Barcelona, ​​Spain - Primetech , Madrid, Spain - FDE , Stockholm, Sweden - N 21 , Budapest, Hungary - 10th CEN-SAD Conference , Cotonou, Benin - SKAT , Denmark

Teletech's references

UN COP 28 , Dubai - EU Presidency 2023 , Stockholm, Sweden - UN COP 18 , Doha, Qatar - NATO PA , Prague, Czech Republic - UN COP 11 , Convention in Biological Diversity, Hyderabad, India - FSB , Denmark - UN Food and Agriculture Organization , Svalbard, Norway - Nato Summit , Bucharest, Romania - Cosac Meeting 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark - European Summit of Regions & Cities , Denmark - EU Presidency 2012 , Denmark - UN COP17 , South Africa - UN Global Partnership for Education , Copenhagen , Denmark - G20 Cannes Summit , France - G8 Summit , Deauville, France - Nato Summit , Sofia, Denmark - Conference in Bella Center , Denmark - ICC, Greenland - Swedish Tax Department , Sweden - European Conference , Denmark - NATO PA , Riga, Latvia - NATO , Tallinn, Estonia - UN COP15 - UN Climate - Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark - UN Road to Copenhagen , Barcelona, ​​Spain - Nato PA, Edinburgh, Scotland - IOC , Bella Center, Denmark - Asian Forum , Thailand - Smart Green Growth , Denmark - Dalai Lhama , Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Dalai Lhama , Bella Center, Denmark - European Development Days , Sweden - Climate & Energy Ministry , Denmark - Forest & Nature Agency , Denmark - OSCE Head of State , Helsinki, Finland - Autism Conference , Krabbehus, Denmark - CCIB Conference Barcelona, ​​Spain - Primetech , Madrid, Spain - FDE , Stockholm, Sweden - N 21 , Budapest, Hungary - 10th CEN-SAD Conference , Cotonou, Benin - SKAT , Denmark

Rent the best equipment for remote interpretation

Read our guide on interpretation facilities

In the guide, you will find useful information if you are faced with having to use interpretation equipment.

Read the guide on our
AV project management

In the guide, you will find useful information if you are faced with having to plan an upcoming event.

This is how the interpretation system works

Simultaneous interpretation facilities consist of

BOSCH headphones for interpretation systems
BOSCH Dicentis interpretation unit - Rent an interpretation system at Teletech today.
Interpreter desk
Rent professional interpreter boothes at Teletech today.
Interpreter Booths
Infrared BOSCH rays
APS Control Unit

Microphones for meeting participants and speakers

Rent microphones and optimize the sound aspect
Delegate microphone
Delegate microphone
Wireless microphones
Rent microphones as lightweight headphones for your next event
Headset microphone

See pictures from our assignments and be inspired

BOSCH Dicentis microphones used at conference

Pictures from meetings & conferences

See pictures from small and medium-sized meetings to the very large conferences.

Pictures from events

See photos from events, such as sales events, parties and the like.

Contact us today about your task

You are also welcome to call us on +45 4492 9800 with questions or inquiries. Teletech - total supplier of AV equipment & interpretation systems.

Rent professional interpretation equipment today at Teletech
Service Type
Rent professional interpretation equipment today at Teletech
Teletech KonferenceKommunikation A/S
Teletech KonferenceKommunikation A/S,
Generatorvej 9 , Søborg , 2860 ,
Telephone No.+4544929800
We are a professional supplier of simultaneous interpretation systems, remote interpretation systems and tourguide systems for meetings. conferences and events.