Guide & checklist: AV Project management

If you are faced with having to organize a meeting, an event or a major conference, then there is enough to think about. Including considerations about the use of AV equipment. Read more here in the guide.

Teletech KonferenceKommunikation A/S
Professional AV planning with Teletech


At Teletech we can advise you on exactly what type of equipment should be used to make your event a success. When you contact us, we listen to your wishes for the event and then plan how we can support you with the right AV equipment. There is of course a big difference in how much project management is needed for the individual tasks.

If it is a matter of smaller tasks, it is typically just agreed, what type of equipment is needed, delivery time and whether our technicians are to carry out etc. But if it is a question of larger events and conferences, an AV project manager can be assigned to the task if necessary.

However, there may well be some of the same considerations regarding the use of AV equipment at the small event as there are at the large one. In the following, we will outline what is worth considering in relation to the use of AV equipment and our technical project management.

AV project management

When you contact us, we listen to your visions for your event and can quickly make an analysis of your needs for AV equipment, with a subsequent solution. Afterwards, our technicians (unless otherwise agreed) will set up, operate and take down the equipment, so you don't have to worry about the technique.

For the smaller tasks
Smaller meetings and events often do not require large equipment packages. Therefore, the project management in this connection is also more limited than with the larger tasks. It therefore often consists of clarifying a simple equipment need (and possibly making further suggestions for equipment that can, for example, increase interaction or communication with the participants at the event). We then set up, operate and take down the equipment. For some of these tasks, you may want to handle the operation of the equipment yourself. However, we would always recommend that the equipment be operated by an AV technician if you have the slightest doubt about its use, so that no problems arise during the process.

For larger tasks
For larger tasks, if the need is there, an AV project manager can be engaged who, in cooperation with you, knows your arrangement and can continuously ensure that everything proceeds as it should.

Larger tasks can e.g. be large conferences that require a lot of technical planning, several AV technicians and equipment. However, it can also be smaller setup that requires many different kinds of AV equipment. For such tasks, the project manager will, based on your wishes or requirements, prepare a detailed plan for how much equipment there is to be used, as well as where and when.

For these types of tasks, where there is a lot to coordinate, one will typically hold regular planning meetings or be in frequent contact in order to clarify all the technical aspects and discuss questions, as well as the possible changes that may arise along the way.

If necessary (and if possible) site inspections can also be carried out at the venue or premises in which the event is to be held. This is in order to gain an overview of how the equipment can be set up in relation to room size, best possible use of AV equipment etc., as well as where the AV technicians can operate the equipment in the room. We will often prepare layout drawings of the individual rooms and lists of the exact number of equipment and crew, as well as time schedules for use.

Installation, operation and dismantling of AV equipment

Shortly before the event is to be held, we prepare the necessary AV equipment and make sure that everything is ready for setup and use. This is a major logistical task that we have extensive experience with. If the equipment is to be used abroad, transport and travel time must of course be taken into consideration.

At larger events, AV technicians are always used, as many different types of equipment typically have to be operated at the same time. Setting up AV equipment and possible interpretation system can take several days for larger events. When everything is well set up, AV equipment is thoroughly tested, usually together with you, so that you as a customer are sure that everything is as you have imagined it should be.

If questions or last-minute changes arise during this phase, our AV technicians are available to provide advice. You are then ready for the start of the event. Here, AV technicians operate the equipment and help presenters get microphones etc. and you can always turn to them along the way if there are any questions, wishes or the like. When everything has gone as it should, the equipment is taken down in agreement with you.

No event is exactly the same and therefore it is also important to define exactly what type of AV equipment you need at your event. However, there are a number of common denominators that may be able to help you if you are faced with having to use AV equipment for your event. The checklist below should therefore not be seen as something you must have clarified before contacting us, but simply as inspiration. The list is divided in relation to the most common types AV equipment that are used widely across small as well as large tasks.

Checklist for using AV equipment

  • Equipment for presentations
    Should PCs, Macs / both be used? (Relevant in relation to screen output, etc.)
    What software is used for presentations? (PowerPoint, Keynote, other?)
    Do presenters use their own laptops?
    Is sound included in the presenters' presentations? (E.g. with video in the presentations).
    Do you need to present from a laptop at the lectern?
    Should a slide desk be used for presenters and possibly a system for distributing presentations?
  • Flat screens
    What content should be presented on the screens?
    Should the screens be on a stand / wall mounted or used as a video wall?
    Who is responsible for the content for the screens?
    Should live images of presenters be shown?
    Where should content for the screens come from? (USB sticks, computers, etc.)?
    How many screens are needed?
    Where should the screens be placed?
    Should presenters have comfort monitors? (Screen where speakers can follow their own presentation and notes, etc.)
  • Large screen projectors
    What size screen/s are needed?
    How should canvases be set up?
    (E.g. one on each side of the stage or should several composite canvases form one large or several smaller images? (Requires special image production)).
    What content should be presented on the screens?
    Should live images of presenters be shown?
    Who is responsible for the content for the screens?
    From where is the content processed? (PC at the lectern or by a technician, e.g. at the back of the hall).
  • LED walls
    Is there a need to use a bright LED wall at your event?
    How can you make the best possible use of the surface of the LED wall?
    Do you have to present in a room with a lot of light?
    (Here, an LED wall is a clear advantage). Are you going to use a larger LED wall as a kind of digital backdrop at a stage or similar?
    Who will be responsible for the content on the LED wall?
    Do you need AV technicians to continuously process the content for the screen using an AV production?
  • Equipment for video production, live streaming and video-on-demand:
    Is there a need for camera coverage of presenters? (So ​​that everyone can clearly see these).
    How many cameras and camera angles are needed?
    Should a hand-held camera and or camera in fixed positions be used?
    Should the cameras be manual / remote-controlled dome cameras?
    Should video production be done along with the camera coverage?
    What should this contain? (Logos, nameplates, sliding transitions, etc.)
    Is there a need to reach a larger target group with live streaming?
    If so, what should be streamed?
    Shall the event, or parts thereof, be possible to view afterwards via video-on-demand on a website?
  • Sound and microphones
    Is sound equipment needed? (Speakers, microphones, mixers, etc.)
    How many participants must be able to hear the sound?
    Is there a need for speakers on a stand or similar and how many?
    Is there a need for monitor speakers so that presenters / performers can better hear themselves?
    Are there special acoustic challenges in the room being used?
    Are wireless microphones needed and how many?
    What type of wireless microphones should it be?
    Do presenters have to move around a stage or room when using the microphones?
    Are Bosch delegate microphones needed? (Table microphones for meeting and conference participants).
    How many? (Should each meeting participant or every other have access to a microphone).
    Should the participants be able to vote using panel microphones?
    Should it be wireless or wired panel microphones?
    Should band sound be produced or recorded music played during the event?
    Should a DJ be used at the event?
    Is there a need for a sound technician and sound production to continuously ensure that the sound is optimal?
  • Lighting equipment
    Is additional lighting needed than what is already in the room / hall?
    Do you want more white light and/or should you also create an atmosphere with colored light?
    Should colored light match a company/organisation's use of color in logo material or similar?
    Should moving lights, such as follow spots, be used?
    What light do you want on stage?
    (Uplights, follow spots, pair lamps, etc.). Should you use light elsewhere? (At entrances, in lounge areas, halls, outside?)
  • Interaction and voting
    Are there important things to be voted on at your event?
    Do you want to use a quiz at your event?
    Should your participants be able to send comments to the presenter and to e.g. big screens?
    If so, should these be monitored by a moderator?
    Should one or more wireless microphones be passed around the room for comments or questions?
  • Decoration and stage
    Is there a need to build one or more stages at the event?
    Should a backdrop (stage background) covered with a large print, stage curtain or LED wall be used?
    Should there be a lectern on the stage?
    Should presenters be able to use teleprompters?
    Should the lectern have a vertical flat screen mounted? (Can show conference logo, info etc.)
    Should there be a head table on stage with microphones?
  • Interpretation system
    How many languages ​​need interpretation?
    In how many rooms are there need for interpretation?
    How many participants need interpretation? (number of receivers and headphones)
    Is there enough space to place interpreter booths in the room / rooms?
    If not – Could remote interpretation (RSI) be an option? Read more about remote interpretation using the website's menu.
    Should a tour guide system be used?
    Who takes care of ordering interpreters?
  • Appearance and structure of the room
    Is the room built for holding meetings, conferences and events?
    If not, are there any sound challenges?
    (Bad acoustics). Is there room to project the desired image size?
    How much light is there in the room and can it be dimmed/screened off?
    Is there room for AV equipment and/or interpretation system, as well as meeting participants in the room?
  • Accessories
    Do you need laser pointers?
    Is there a need for PowerPoint / Keynote remote controls?
    Is there a need for lecterns and any stage furniture/head tables?
    Do you need flip-charts with paper and markers for meeting sessions?
    Is there a need for speech time management? (Screen showing clock counting down from a given time).
    Is there a need for poster boards for exhibition areas?
  • AV technicians and operation
    Do you need AV technicians to set up, operate and dismantle the equipment?
    In how many rooms should there be AV technicians for operation?

Teletech can help you

For more than 30 years, we have supplied equipment and interpretation systems for national and international meetings, conferences and events.

Our technicians are well trained and are responsible for setup and operation.

If you have any questions or want to book AV or interpretation solutions, you are welcome to contact us today at +45 4492 9800

Rent AV equipment & Interpretation system

Teletech is a total supplier of AV and interpretation solutions. Therefore, contact us if you want to rent AV equipment or an AV solution. We offer, among other things,

Microphone systems, live streaming production, flat screens, projectors, projection screens, LED walls, light and sound equipment, voting systems or interpretation solutions, etc.

Contact us today about your task

You are also welcome to call us on +45 4492 9800 with questions or inquiries. Teletech - total supplier of AV equipment & interpretation systems.

Guide & checklist: AV project management
Service Type
Guide & checklist: AV project management
Teletech KonferenceKommunikation A/S
Teletech KonferenceKommunikation A/S,
Generatorvej 9 , Søborg , 2860 ,
Telephone No.+4544929800
Guide on AV project management and useful checklist that might help you if you are faced with having to order AV equipment for your upcoming event